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In "cairn" you get lost!

In "cairn" you get lost!

Postby Ponyexpress » Thu Aug 08, 2019 9:31 pm

Route description: Am Faochagach

Munros included on this walk: Am Faochagach

Date walked: 29/06/2019

Time taken: 6 hours

Distance: 12.4 km

Ascent: 902m

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Making the most of the very warm dry weather, we wanted something, not too taxing having had a very hot time in the Fisherfield Wilderness, & also one that you really want to do in very dry weather :roll: So PathfinderPaul (husband) & I set off, with lots of others setting off for the Fannichs on the other side of the road, so first thing don't follow the sign, & I just love signs, makes me secure :D
ImageIMG_2982 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
We soon faced the first obstacle, the style :crazy: Just look at those nails, then of course the jump into the bog below :shock:
ImageIMG_2980 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2981 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
The boggy path was really quite dry, except near the style, so I was wondering what the river crossing would be like & where would be the best place to cross. I needn't have worried this was a route with so many cains on it that even I couldn't get lost , I could have managed without the navigator :roll:
ImageIMG_2979 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2948 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2978 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
As we started up the bank towards the main ridge there wer cairns every 20 metres or so, great in poor visibility, but of course we had a lovely clear day.
ImageIMG_2972 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2970 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2953 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2969 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2968 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2967 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2966 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
On the ridge they ran out for a a few metres long enough for us to set off in the wrong direction :roll: Fortunately the GPS soon put us right :crazy: How did we manage when we only had map & compass, yes we were much more careful :clap:
ImageIMG_2962 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
The rolling hills were very easy just to follow an easy path to the summits and more cairns along the way :D
ImageIMG_2957 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
We met one or two others as the day wore on & had a great view from the summit and as we came back more views of the Ullapool Hills
ImageIMG_2961 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2956 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
ImageIMG_2965 by Joan Howard, on Flickr
Easy walk back following all the cairns, making sure I concentrated on the river, I'm attracted to water :(
& then of course THAT style, ouch :shock:
ImageIMG_2950 by Joan Howard, on Flickr

Am Faochagach.gpx Open full screen  NB: Walkhighlands is not responsible for the accuracy of gpx files in users posts

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