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The avalanche risk was looking ridiculous so despite the west coast looking lovely I decided to be sensible. I was also knackered and happy to not need an early start or a drive…. So I decided on a bike-hike – I could combine my usual bike circuit with a plod around the Kilpatrick Hills without needing to touch the car
It was an uneventful ride but the weather wasn’t quite what I’d hoped. The views from the Erskine Bridge weren’t hugely encouraging…

My hills – clagged oot!

Hi-viz Jaxter will stand out at least…

I cycled a way up the track until I found somewhere to lock my bike

A change of headgear

At this point I remembered it was Mother’s Day so after I changed into my leggings I headed up the track trying to explain to my Mum over 400 miles away that I knew what I was doing….
I reached Loch Humphrey and figured that I may as well walk around it. Because why not….there was a good track all the way along the South side of the loch although it was very snowy in places making walking difficult. On reaching the tip of the loch I was off piste and found myself sloshing through bog and snow….

I crossed the burn and headed upwards towards Cairn of Fyn Loch.

I took in Fynloch Hill before joining the standard path over Middle Duncolm. From here I could see Duncolm itself ahead

The snow was very wet and slippery making it a bit awkward but I made it to the top of Duncolm!

Although the views weren’t amazing they were marginally better than the last time I was here. And everything was frozen which made it look pretty cool

Heading back down Duncolm

I skirted around Middle Duncolm but decided to pay Little Duncolm a visit on this occasion. I had been the only visitor recently as mine was the only snow trail!

I cut across more snow to reach the path back down to Loch Humphrey. It was wet underfoot but my feet were already wet so I didn’t really care

These hills are really pretty but waders would be the only way of staying dry

It was turning into a lovely afternoon and the sun was shining on Loch Humphrey

Safely on the track it was an easy walk along the side of the reservoir. There was a lot of water coming out of it!

I left the track and climbed up onto the escarpment which led to the Slacks. The views were still improving!


Looking towards Duncolm

It was lovely and I was enjoying my Bike Hike

I left the trig point and followed the path past the most pointless stile (yes I did climb it


Glasgow looked pretty!

I followed the path down the hillside and the views down the Clyde were lovely with the sun glinting on the water

The Erskine Bridge

Looking back up

Back at the bike it was a case of a change of trousers (and headgear

) before cycling home with wet feet. It was a stunning afternoon for a cycle and coming back into Glasgow I couldn’t help but stop for a photo of the paddle steamer Waverley!

Should definitely bike hike more often – there’s something really awesome about doing things from your house without use of a car