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Troutbeck Tongue

Troutbeck Tongue

Postby richardkchapman » Mon Oct 28, 2019 6:59 pm

Wainwrights included on this walk: Troutbeck Tongue

Date walked: 26/10/2019

Time taken: 3.49

Distance: 12.5 km

Ascent: 366m

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2019-10-26 Troutbeck Tongue-small.gpx Open full screen  NB: Walkhighlands is not responsible for the accuracy of gpx files in users posts

Didn't make it to the Lakes this Easter, so this is our first outing of the year. Staying near Staveley with a view to ticking off some of the Wainwrights remaining in the southern end of the Far Eastern book. No kids or dogs with us this time.

Weather on Saturday morning was not good, but the promise was that things would improve in the afternoon, so we decided on a shortish walk for the afternoon to break ourselves in gently while avoiding the wet morning.

ImageParked in Troutbeck Layby

We drove over to Troutbeck (scouting out potential parking spots for future walks up the Dubbs Road on the way) and parked in a layby next to the busy road.

ImageOrange Sheep

The walk started along the Ing Road - a private (I assume) road leading to Troutbeck Park Farm. Lovely and quiet, very easy walking.

Not sure why these sheep were so orange...

ImageBroken Gate

This broken gate caught my eye, so I tried to take an "arty" photo of it.

ImageTroutbeck Park Farm

After a couple of miles we got to the farm, and struck off across the fields to join the High Street path.

ImageView down the valley

Somehow we managed to lose the path on the way up the Tongue, and spent a few minutes slogging up through bracken instead. When we got to the gate at the top of the bracken and saw a very clear path leading down Lorraine was not pleased (walking through bracken is not easy with sticks, I am told).

ImageView of the summit

Things soon improved and the summit was not far away.

I neglected to take any photos from the summit itself - there were not any great views as all the surrounding mountains were still in cloud. The walk down along the tongue was very pleasant though.

ImageOld barn

After descending from the tongue back onto the main path we decided to vary the return route by crossing to the other side of the valley at this old barn. We were starting to get some nice light by this point.

ImageTrees and waterfall

Very easy walking alongside the stream.

ImageLuminous grass

And some lovely evening light.

ImageTroutbeck Park Farm

Some nice views back up the valley - the surrounding tops were starting to clear.

ImageEvening light

Overall a very pleasant afternoon stroll - breaking us in very gently for the week ahead.
Posts: 127
Joined: Aug 29, 2010

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