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After our adventurous weekend on Skye we went out for another walk, this time to Ben Vorlich at Loch Lomond. We parked the car at Inveruglas Visitor Center and followed the WH-description. On our way to the dam we met a walker who told us that he has turned around at the trigpoint because of heavy wind and mist

We hoped for the best and continued walking.
- Ben Vane
- scenery
When the dam came in sight heavy clouds were darken the sky over Loch Sloy and the top of Ben Vorlich was veiled in mist.
- The dam
Before we started the steep ascent we had a little break, trying to sort out were the path starts.
- little break
Then the sky suddenly opened up and it became very warm.
We never really had been on the path and I didn't enjoy this walk uphill over this grassy ground almost vertical and sometimes I had the impression I would fall back in slow motion and land on my rucksack like a beetle all four up.
But the views downwards are still very impressive.
- steep slopes
- View towards Loch Lomond
At the summit the path divided. We went to the left and soon reached the cairn. The summit was completely covered in mist, so no views but no wind neither, and we had a little break.
- summit cairn
- little Haggis with a broken leg - bad Omen
On our way back we contiued along the path and soon we passed the trigpoint.
- Trigpoint
Where the two branches of the path met the mist lifted again and we had nice views down the slopes and towards the Arrochar Alps in front of us on our way back.
- The dam
- The Arrochar Alps
During the descent I got stuck with my boots in a hole and because of the steepnes I lost my balance and I heard a very ugly sound. The pain was breathtaking and the rest of the descent was quite painful. Back on the road it became sufferable but the next four weeks I had a very thick and bruised ankle - so no more walks this summer

but at least I could get into my cycling shoes and had some nice rides.
From the road I took a last picture of the mountain, teasing now in plain sunshine.

What remains from this walk is the very impressive steepness of the slopes and the nice views, but because of the tiring ascent and the twisted ankle I give this walk only a six on a scale out of ten.