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Having arrived at my relatives the day before we saw that the weather forecast was meant to be half decent for the next day so a plan was hatched to visit the Fyrish monument and take a wee detour out to Cnoc Ceislein while we were at it, a sub 2000er and a trig of course it was a winning plan.
We set off around lunch time and were soon on our way up the hill to the monument. A brief couple of stops to let the dogs indulge themselves in the pool on the way up and admire the views.
- The small lochan on the way up to the monument
- Harley enjoying the view from his vantage point
We soon gained the monument and stopped off to have a look round and see where our next objective was.
- Me and the dogs at the monument
- Our objective in the foreground with Ben Wyvis hulking behind.
Off we set along a well made but clearly less used track which joined up with a land rover track. We made for the line of grouse butts on the south eastern side of the hill, and picked our way up the hill through the heather and tall grass, no paths here.
We made the trig, it was quite windy by this point so we didnt hang around too long just long enough to get the obligitary photo of the dogs and the view then made our way down off the hill, making a bee line for the landrover track again. picking it up slightly further on from where we had left it.
- Brutus and Cesar at the trigpoint
- Making our way down off the hill
We made the route a circular by following some old tracks that were marked on the map as land rover tracks but clearly had not been used for some considerable time, a little bit of bushwacking to get back to the main forrest tracks lower down. Then it was a straightforward jaunt back to the car.
The dogs enjoyed themselves and it was lovely to spend the day out with my uncle on the hill, albeit a very small one.