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Regardless of how good the weather is, I am forever doomed to a cloud fest at the summit of this one.
Got to Inveruglas car park around half 7 in the morning and it was a glorious looking day. Even better, the parking meters were non functional. A great way to start the day
Loch Lomond was looking rather splendid and still with some lazy cloud floating around.
Glancing up, you could be forgiven for thinking there was no mountain above the pumping station.
A short walk along the roadside then I was up and along the track past the electricity substation and the evil path hogging cows. It seemed clear on the tops from here...
The path continues with a branch heading off towards Ben Vane. I followed the path towards Loch Sloy until I found the cairn marking the start of the hill path up vorlich. Now I gather there is now a very good and obvious start to this path but the first time I had been up here it was impossible to find and myself and a friend ended up just clambering up the hillside rather lost. A common theme for me really

This time though, someone had kindly built a cairn to show the way.
Off I went uphill. Conditions were pretty good, just some cloud blowing through here and there.
Ben Vane was looking as appealing as ever just across from me.
The weather gods noticed me at this point and a nice big cloud was lobbed onto the summit.
I looked down and couldn't help but think dam(n)!
The local residents know all the good viewpoints. I was impressed and jealous all at the same time. I really wanted to sit at that bit. Baaaaaarstewards.
There was briefly some views over this way, whatever way that is.
Up at the top now and what do you know, a trig point inside a cloud. This is not actually the true summit, which I always forget but I ended up wandering about and coming across it and then I remembered....
On the way to the 931m mark there is a nice wee lochan which I always think looks perfect for a wild camp beside.
So no summit views, but a good walk all the same. I shall be back and I'm quite sure I will have no views then as well