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We decided to reverse the Walkhighlands route so we could do the first two before the long trek across the plateau , in case we ran out of steam
I am over 70 & Ponyexpress is almost there. Also if weather changed we didn't fancy the plateau in strong winds or heavy rain
We'd have to then come back another time for the third. However as the report details it wasn't necessary, but we weren't the only ones doing it this way round
Lovely weather as Ponyexpress (wife) and myself started out and we loved the wonderful track to start with
IMG_3010 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
A little further up we even found a bench put there in memory of a man who had worked in the area.
IMG_3011 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
We could have used it further on
We soon lost the track and followed the burn and worked out about the right place to cross without getting too wet
IMG_3014 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
We soon got to the first summit which had a nice shelter for a quick sandwich.
IMG_3015 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
Then onto the next one to see how bad the peat hags were???
IMG_3016 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
yes they were there but we were very fortunate as it had been very dry
IMG_3017 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
But was this pile of stones the real summit
IMG_3018 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
Then onto the long slog across the plateau but we had wonderful visibility which was a great help
IMG_3020 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
Then we could see the final summit in the distance
IMG_3021 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
We met some young guys who overtook us but they very kindly took a photo for us
IMG_3025 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
We watched them as they headed off to go down to see which way they went.
IMG_3027 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
The path off was very clear......
IMG_3028 by
Joan Howard, on Flickr
But after that it was a bit wet until we the path lower down improved, but it was a long walk out and we were getting tired....always seems a bit further after 5.00 pm!!!! But we had had a great day and perfect weather for this outing