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Warning Please note that hillwalking when there is snow lying requires an ice-axe, crampons and the knowledge, experience and skill to use them correctly. Summer routes may not be viable or appropriate in winter. See winter information on our skills and safety pages for more information.

Last stretch for a while......

Last stretch for a while......

Postby Stevekerr188 » Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:37 pm

Wainwrights included on this walk: Great Gable, Kirk Fell

Hewitts included on this walk: Great Gable, Kirk Fell

Date walked: 19/03/2020

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Its seems a while ago now but I spent a while over the winter planning and booking for the Scottish National Trail which I intended to start on April 4th.Over the winter months with the horrendous windy weather I became increasingly worried for my fitness as I had only managed 3 outings since the turn of the year and had to alter some backpack plans in early March.In the event with the worsening events overtaking the country the SNT plans were cancelled and so with the weather taking a turn for the better I grabbed a day over the Lakes prior to the announcements of restrictions. As usual, as I do the Lakes so much, I usually make my mind on the way over as to where to go. I drove to Seathwaite and parked up at the lane from the farm. It was 9am and usually rammed by this time but there were only around 10 cars and a couple of van parked up. Suited and booted it was off on the quick walk to Stockley bridge and then up the hill towards Styhead where I made it just short of an hour. When I walk this way it always reminds me of walks with my father in my
youth when we used to make Styhead in 45 minutes. Decision time at the stretcher box as to the route of the day so I decided to go on the walkers traverse around Great Gable under the Napes and Sphinx and onto Kirkfell and back onto Great Gable. The hills were very quiet, I had only seen 4 walkers so far and could not see anybody on the corridor route. I worked my way around the front of Gable and around the traverse path to the col to Kirkfell before ascending and taking a stop on the top. I then returned via the same path which skirts the first summit up from the col and then began the steep ascent of Great gable which I think amounts to around 800ft from the col. Saw two people coming down from Gable, only the 6 so far. From there it was onto Gable summit before dropping down to windy gap. I should have really gone onto Green Gable and down by Sour Milk Gill but I dislike that descent so it was down to Styhead and return to Seathwaite by the same route up.Only out for 6 hours and its likely to be the last hill walk for quite a while so one to savour and remember.

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Posts: 215
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Joined: Dec 29, 2019
Location: Co Durham

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