
Beinn a` Choin with a bull filled start

Corbetts: Beinn a' Choin

Date walked: 13/07/2013

Distance: 10km

Parked in the the RSPB car park at Garrison about 1km east of Inversnaid and used the route shown in the Cicerone Corbetts guide by Brian Johnson.

The first obstacle was quite a large herd of Highland cattle right by the car park.

This is how they looked:

view over the gate

What I hadn't noticed was that the animal looking at me was quite a large bull, so I was quite close when I noticed the ring through its nose:
luckily very placid!

Some of the rest of the herd were even more attractive:


Moving on from the cattle I soon came across great swathes of my favourite hill flower, bog asphodel with its lovely yellow spikes:

bog asphodel

and a close up;


also some pale orchids:

On the hill itself there was a herd of goats , but these were more wary than the cattle:


Eventually the summit was reached, with a good sized cairn:


And great views in most directions:

Loch Lomond and Loch Long

Loch Katrine

Arrochar Alps

On the way down from the summit a meadow pipit fluttered away from my right boot and I got a very quick look in the nest, 5 seconds and I was on my way:

with 4 eggs

In the afternoon the sky cleared and great views opened up:

Crianlarich Hills

Ben Lomond from Stob an Fhainne

and finally the view down to the car park at Garrison, Loch Lomond and Inversnaid:


By this time the cattle had dispersed!

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User avatar
Location: West Lothian
Activity: Wanderer
Mountain: Stob Coire nan Lochan
Place: Ettrick Hills
Gear: Pacer poles
Member: Ramblers
Ideal day out: a long ridge walk with great views

Munros: 129
Corbetts: 46
Fionas: 38
Donalds: 89
Sub 2000: 30

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Ascent: 100m
Corbetts: 1


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Ascent: 400m
Corbetts: 1
Donalds: 1


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Distance: 8 km
Ascent: 360m
Donalds: 1

Joined: Jul 20, 2011
Last visited: Nov 22, 2024
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