
Beinn Tulaichean & Cruach Ardrain

Route: Cruach Àrdrain and Beinn Tulaichean

Munros: Beinn Tulaichean, Cruach Àrdrain

Date walked: 30/07/2021

Time taken: 6 hours

Distance: 16km

Ascent: 1300m

A cloudy morning for the drive up to Inverlochlarig, where it was muggy and midgey on arrival.

CA from start.jpg
Cruach Ardrain from Inverlochlaraig

I walked along the track and past the farm buildings to gain the track leading to wards Glen Inverlochlaraig. There was a path of sorts leading up the long slopes to Beinn Tulaichean, where the views to Loch Voil and Stob a'Chroin opened out. It was still clear when I arrived at the cairn.

Loch Voil.jpg
Loch Voil from the slopes of Beinn Tulaichean

Ben More & Stobbinnien from ridge.jpg
Ben More & Stobbinnien from the ridge

CA Ben More & Stobbinnien.jpg
Cruach Ardrain, Ben More and Stobbinnien

I then dropped down to the col, before detouring out to Stob Glas. This was the hardest walking of the day, although I had an asthmatic sheep for company! Misty at the top, so I turned around for the long pull up the the Cruach Ardrain ridge. Once on the ridge, I could follow the footpath to the cairn, where the cloud was down. I have still to get a view from this hill.

The descent was straightforward - back along the ridge and from there I could follow a path of sorts back to Glen Inverlochlaraig and from there it was a pleasant walk back to the car.

Needless to say, 15 minutes after leaving Cruach Ardrain, the cloud lifted!

Cloud clearing on CA.jpg
The summit clearing once I had left!

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Wainwrights: 5
Hewitts: 7
Sub 2000: 48

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Sub2000s: 4

Joined: Nov 03, 2015
Last visited: Jul 24, 2022
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