You have not opened this page using CHROME (on an Android phone) or SAFARI (on an iPhone/iPad).
You cannot install this app when you have opened the page via another App.
To fix this:
If you are on an iPhone or iPad, click the ... button in the bottom right corner, then choose 'Open in External Browser' (or Safari)
If you are on Android, click the ... button in top right corner, then choose ' Open in System Browser' (or Chrome)
Before you install the app, read the advice below.
To install the app you must agree:
• you will carry an alternative or backup means of navigation. Your GPS device or phone could fail - you should plan for that.
• to take responsibility for your own safety. We take great care with producing the information in the app, but routes can become outdated and we cannot accept responsibility for any errors.
You cannot install the Walkhighlands App using the app you are currently using - you must use CHROME BROWSER (try top right button)
To install the app, click the button below using Chrome browser.
You cannot install the Walkhighlands App using the app you are currently using - you must use SAFARI BROWSER (try bottom right button)
To install the Walkhighlands app on this iPhone, click the share button - central icon in the bar at the bottom of Safari - then scroll down and choose 'Add to Home Screen'. The app will then be installed on your homepage.
To install the Walkhighlands app on an iPhone, you need to visit this page on SAFARI browser in order to be able to install.
You should always carry a backup means of navigation and not rely on a single phone, app or map. Walking can be dangerous and is done entirely at your own risk. Information is provided free of charge; it is every walker's responsibility to check it and to navigate safely.