Fairy Pools and Coire na Creiche

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Social media exposure has led to first part of this walk - to the Fairy Pools - becoming extremely popular in recent years. It follows a beautiful crystal clear burn with many beautiful pools and waterfalls. The paid car park is busy in high season; it's best to either arrive early, or consider a quieter alternative at the busiest times when the pools are overcrowded. On Walkhighlands, we describe a longer walk that leads away from the crowds to make a memorable circuit around this fine Cuillin coire.

Grade (key)

bog factorbog factorbog factor
Bog Factor (key)

  • 3.5/5



Clear path with bridges to pools then undulating hill paths with no difficulties.

Public Transport

Bus from Portree (seasonal check Stagecoach website).


Fairy Pools car park (charge) on right hand side of road as it descends into Glen Brittle. Open in Google Maps.

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