LL&C Way: Lochgoilhead to Arrochar

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The fifth section of the Loch Lomond and Cowal Way includes the highest climb on the route, crossing the empty bealach between Lochgoilhead and Ardgarten. There are good views and something of a wilderness feel on the highest section.

Grade (key)

bog factorbog factorbog factor
Bog Factor (key)

  • 3.5/5



Forest tracks for much of the way, with a steep ascent on a rough path in the forest. The highest section of the route has only a very faint and boggy path - wooden posts mark part of this section.

Public Transport

Buses Lochgoilhead, bus/train Arrochar.


Lochgoilhead. Open in Google Maps.

Hillwalking in Winter

Please note that hillwalking when there is snow lying requires an ice-axe, crampons and the knowledge, experience and skill to use them correctly. All route descriptions and difficulties given here are for summer conditions. See our Winter Skills page for basic information on the essential skills, techniques and knowledge needed for winter hillwalking.

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