Càrn na Caim and A'Bhuidheanach Bheag, Drumochter

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The east side of Drumochter pass is bounded by a steeply rising moor, riven by gullies. Suprisingly given its unimpressive appearance, there are two Munros on the plateau above. The hills themselves lack interest but this walk gives a real feeling of space. The tops are the haunt of dotterel and ptarmigan.

Grade (key)

bog factorbog factorbog factor
Bog Factor (key)

  • 3/5



Vehicle track up to the plateau, then faint boggy paths; tricky navigation in bad weather.

Public Transport

Nearest bus stop is at A9 junction with A889, around 500m north of the start; you can walk the distance between on the cyclepath.


Layby on A9, 0.75km south of Dalwhinne junction. Open in Google Maps.

Deer Stalking information

West of ridge: Drumochter South. Stalking between mid-Sept and 20 Oct. No stalking on Sundays. Keeping to the paths and ridges is always ok.
East of ridge: Dalnacardoch Estate. Stalking between 1st July and 20th Oct. No stalking on Sundays. Keeping to the paths and ridges is always ok.

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