
Download Google Earth KMZ file : Rutherford Monument walk, Gatehouse of Fleet

Before downloading a KMZ route file from Walkhighlands, please confirm that:

  1. You understand the need to also carry a paper map and a compass, and have the skills to use these. Good map reading and navigation skills are essential for safety on any hillwalk or walk in wilder terrain - see this article for more information on the use of GPS devices or smartphones as navigation aids. Our safety section has a great deal of information on staying safe in the hills.

  2. Whilst we take every care to ensure files are accurate, you acknowledge that walks are undertaken entirely at your own risk and Walkhighlands can accept no responsibility or liability, nor gives any warranty, as to the accuracy of any of the information on the site, including these files.

  3. You acknowledge that Walkhighlands is the owner of the file data and it is made available to download only for your own personal use. It must not be made available to download from other websites.


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Walking can be dangerous and all walkers must take personal responsibility for their own safety. You should always carry a backup means of navigation and not rely on a single phone, app or map. Walkhighlands strives to provide accurate information but cannot accept responsibility for changes, errors or omissions.