Geal Chàrn, Monadhliath

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Geal Chàrn is the westernmost of the Monadh Liath and so far from the other three Munros that it is usually ascended on its own. Its eastern corrie is attractive but it is otherwise lacking in features; however it does have a feeling of remoteness.

Grade (key)

bog factorbog factorbog factorbog factor
Bog Factor (key)

  • 3/5



The path is indistinct and boggy on this otherwise straightforward hill.

Public Transport

None to start.


Garva Bridge. Open in Google Maps.

Hillwalking in Winter

Please note that hillwalking when there is snow lying requires an ice-axe, crampons and the knowledge, experience and skill to use them correctly. All route descriptions and difficulties given here are for summer conditions. See our Winter Skills page for basic information on the essential skills, techniques and knowledge needed for winter hillwalking.

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