


Foula ranks alongside Fair Isle as the most remote inhabited island in Britain, and whether you come by air or sea a visit here is unlikely to ever be forgotten.

The population of around 30 is scattered over the eastern part of the island, whilst to the west a range of sculpted hills sweep up to 418m at Da Sneug before falling in a series of huge cliffs to the Atlantic Ocean. At Da Kame the cliffs reach 376m - second only to Conachair on St Kilda in the UK, whilst to the south the great peak of Da Noup is scarcely less impressive. Swooping over the summits a vast colony of aggressive Great Skuas or Bonxies defends their nests from walkers, whilst puffins and other sea birds can be found all around the coastline.


Walk Grade Length Time
Foula airstrip and pier coastal circuit gradegrade4km 1.5 - 2.5 hours
Da Sneck Ida Smaalie, Foula gradegrade5km 1.5 - 2.5 hours
Da Sneug - Da Easy Way, Foula gradegrade6.75km 2.5 - 3.5 hours
Da Kame, Da Sneug & Da Noup: the complete Foula gradegradegradegrade13km 6 - 7.5 hours

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