Cave of Gold, Kilmuir

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The Uamh Òir or Cave of Gold is a secret place, Skye's answer to Fingal's cave on Staffa but in miniature. It gives a delightful short walk and is a great place for a picnic; however the final pathless coastal slope down to the cave is very steep and dangerous, requiring great care.

Grade (key)

bog factor
Bog Factor (key)

  • 3.5/5



The walk crosses rough croft pasture land; if you really must take a dog it should be kept on a short lead. The descent to see the cave is down an extremely steep grass slope which could be dangerous in the wet.

Public Transport

None to start. Bus 57 from Portree on A855 through Kilmuir - get off at the more northerly road junction for Camas Mòr , 2km walk start.


End of minor public road extending north from near the ruined church at Bornesketaig. Open in Google Maps.

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